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Haiku Weekly

I think Wednesday's is my favourite haiku this week, it's the use of homonyms that pleases me. I have also noticed how tempting it can be to simply define the word in question, rather than use it appropriately; although with only seventeen syllables longer words can be challenging to insert into a haiku any other way!

Monday: anthophilous

The pollenating

Anthophilous honey bee;

Delightful to watch.

Tuesday: comportment

It is a matter

Of breeding and good manners,

Mind one's comportment.

Wednesday: ort

One ought not to leave

Too many orts on the plate,

For fear of offense.

Thursday: throttlebottom

Public official,

Floundering throttlebottom

Though largely harmless.

Friday: esoterica

Specialised knowledge,

Understood by but a few:


Saturday: coterminous

A coincidence?

It happened at the same time;

Quite coterminous.

Sunday: orogeny

Problem perceiver,

Master of orogeny.

Think positively!

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