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Haiku Weekly

Sickness and visitors have interrupted the recent Haiku flow! Apologies for the tardiness of this latest effort, I'm hoping that the interesting vocabulary will make up for the lateness. As always, I welcome your own Haiku in the comments.

Monday: heart-whole

Single contentment,

No need for another's love:

Happy heart-whole life.

Tuesday: arithmancy

Arithmancy is

Divining the future by

Looking at numbers.

Wednesday: cimmerian

I do not like caves

With their dark and oppressive

Cimmerian gloom.

Thursday: code-switching

Code-switching is real:

American and British

And now Japanese!

Friday: smaragdine

Of all the gemstones,

Smaragdine are the richest

In beauty and shine.

Saturday: vaunting

Facebook is full of

Those vaunting their achievements

And swelling with pride.

Sunday: overwinter

When we retire,

We will overwinter in

Sunny Florida!

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